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A Mini-Foray  |  August 10-11
(For Members Only)

Click the Mini-Foray tab in the above bar if you are a member

NMMS holds monthly meetings except for January, February, and December. These events are both social and educational, featuring speakers, presentations, or activities. Most meetings are held in Albuquerque, and 2-3 are held in Santa Fe. Our meetings are open to everyone - members, potential members, visitors taking a look at the Club. All are welcome!

Day: Second Sunday of most months
Time: 2-4 pm
     UNM Castetter Hall, Room 55  (click HERE for maps to the location)
     219 Yale Blvd NE, ABQ NM 87106

Santa Fe 
NMMS holds some meetings in Santa Fe. Location and time will be announced.


NMMS field trips are open to members only.
Venture into prime mushroom-foraging territory to seek and collect
familiar and unknown! Learn to identify and verify!

These day outings are led by member volunteers and are usually in the Albuquerque and Santa Fe areas.


NMMS ANNUAL FORAY for members only.

In 1998, NMMS began organizing an annual weekend-long gathering in a northern New Mexico location, to offer members an extended experience both educational and social.

Activities are centered at a host hotel, where attendees may book rooms at a reduced rate. Alternative accommodations in the area may also be arranged by attendees.

Registration is open to those with current memberships. Each Foray, however, is capped at a certain number of participants, so early registration is recommended.

In addition to one or two days of Field Trips to multiple area sites, these events usually include group meals, a potluck dinner, evening presentations by guest mycologists, and sessions for evaluating and identifying collected specimens. If facilities allow, we also have a Cook 'n Taste party to sample some delicious edibles!

2024 Southern Rockies Spring Mushroom Foray

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