The New Mexico Mycological Society (NMMS), a not-for-profit organization, came together in 1984 when a small group of fungophiles met to share information about mushroom species which could be found in this area. Since then, besides the regular monthly meetings, we have held annual forays, built the herbarium of dried specimens at the University of New Mexico, exhibited at the New Mexico State Fair, and compiled lists of mushrooms found in New Mexico. |
NMMS is affiliated with the North American Mycological Association. Those joining NMMS may obtain membership in NAMA at an annual rate discounted from $30 to $25. NAMA members may attend NAMA-sponsored events such as regional and national forays, regional and national forays, have online access to a members' directory, and receive via email a bimonthly newsletter, The Mycophile, and NAMA'S annual journal, McIlvainea. |
by EMAIL: Your Email Provider OR Wild Apricot by PHONE: 505-507-9915 |