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The New Mexico Mycological Society is a New Mexico non-profit organization, and may also be referred to in this document as "NMMS" or the "Society".

In consideration of the permission granted to me by the Society to connect to its website, and/or participate in any activity or event sponsored by the Society, I freely affirm and acknowledge all of the following:

  • The consumption of wild fungi is widely recognized as an inherently dangerous activity that can result in serious illness, permanent disability, or death. 
  • Even mushrooms that are well known to be non-toxic for the great majority of people can potentially cause allergic reactions and other idiosyncratic symptoms in certain susceptible individuals. These symptoms may be caused or worsened by undercooking, overindulgence, or by drinking alcohol. Every person should cautiously test their own tolerance for unfamiliar species of wild mushrooms.
  • Collecting wild mushrooms commonly involves strenuous physical exertion in rugged, high-altitude wilderness locations, and entails many known and unknown risks to human health and life. By way of example only, these risks include but are not limited to slips and falls; weather-related hazards such as heat stroke, hypothermia, exposure, and lightning strike; infectious diseases; rockfall or avalanche; altitude sickness; allergic reactions; drowning; penetrating or lacerating injuries from tools, cactus spines, branches, or other features of the local flora and terrain; and insect bites and stings, snakebites, and other wild animal attacks. 
  • These serious injuries or illnesses may occur in areas remote from medical care, and the availability of emergency medical services or emergency transportation to medical facilities cannot be assured.

New Mexico Poison and Drug Information Center | 1-800-222-1222 

NOTICE:  By connecting to this site, or participating in any activity or event sponsored by

 the New Mexico Mycological Society, you accept the Society's Terms of Use & Liability Waiver

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